Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4119 | Pain Management

Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4119 | Pain Management online course starts with the introduction to the topic.

The complexity of assessing pain particularly in an emergency situation can be challenging. This chapter delves into the various aspects of pain management which by nature can be subjective based on the patient,  cultural background, and age.

The lessons covered

  • Lesson 1: An Introduction To Pain Management.
  • Lesson 2: Pain Management In Different Settings.
  • Lesson 3: Physiology And Classification Of Pain.
  • Lesson 4: Principles Of Pain Management.
  • Lesson 5: Pharmacological Interventions.
  • Lesson 6: Pain Management Protocol.

Excerpt from Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4119 | Pain Management Online Course

Based on temporal nature, pain may be further classified into acute pain or chronic pain:

Acute pain is a neurophysiological response to noxious injury that should resolve with normal wound healing. It lasts less than three months. Examples are acute fracture,  acute knee sprain, post-operative pain, appendicitis, and smashing a finger in the door.  Opiate and non-opiates may be used to manage this.

Chronic pain lasts over three months or beyond the expected course of an acute disease or after complete tissue healing.  It extends beyond the time for normal wound healing, resulting in the development of multiple neurophysiological changes.  Examples include chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, neck pain, chronic pancreatitis, and arthritis.  Pharmacological interventions are based on the nature of the pain.

Acute on chronic is an acute exacerbation of a chronic pain syndrome or new acute pain in a person suffering from a chronic condition.  Examples are Sickle cell disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and acute injury in chronic pain patients.

Core Concepts & Takeaways

  • Discuss the physiology of pain and differentiate different types of pain – (nociceptive, neuropathic, visceral, chronic vs acute) and their associated presentation.
  • Discuss prehospital pain management options – pharmacological vs. non-pharmacological.
  • Evaluate and overcome pitfalls of pain management in a pre-hospital setting at an ALS level.
  • Discuss the ethical and legal implications of pain management.
  • Discuss the changes in national guidelines for pain management (over the last 2 years).


Important Notes:

  • If you only want to take the online course for CME credit, you can pay here.  The fee for online-only does NOT include a skills session nor (re)certification.  You will receive a certificate for one CME credit after successful completion of the course.
  • This course is part of the Paramedic Recertification  curriculum.  If you sign up for one of those courses, you will be automatically enrolled in this course.
  • To get credit for this course, you must watch all the lessons in their entirety, the course review, and pass the quiz at the end with a score of 75% or better.

Course Curriculum

Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4119 | Pain Management

  • Lesson 0 – Chapter Introduction
  • Lesson 1 – An Introduction To Pain Management
  • Lesson 2 – Pain Management In Different Settings
  • Lesson 3 – Physiology And Classification Of Pain
  • Lesson 4 – Principles Of Pain Management
  • Lesson 5 – Pharmacological Interventions
  • Lesson 6 – Pain Management Protocol
  • Lesson 7 – Chapter Review
  • Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4119 | Pain Management | QUIZ
Zoom Session Feedback

Instructor Interaction

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Name of the Instructor Jeffrey PickneyConnieJaymine PatelOthers

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SECTION 2 : Instructor Interaction

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The instructors were knowledgeable and approachable during Zoom sessions.
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The instructors encouraged questions and discussions.
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Course Content / Training Video Feedback

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Skill Session Feedback

In-Person Skill training

Thank you for participating in our EMS course. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us continuously improve the quality of our training program. Please use the following scale to evaluate each aspect of the course, where “Strongly Agree” is the highest rating and  “Strongly Disagree” and is the lowest.

Name of the Instructor Jeffrey PickneyConnieJaymine PatelOthers

SECTION 1 : Satisfaction Level

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree
Overall, I am satisfied with the EMS course.
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Strongly Disagree

SECTION 2: In-Person Skill Training

Strongly Agree
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The in-person skill training sessions were beneficial and well-organized.
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The training equipment and facilities provided were adequate and conducive to learning.
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The scheduling of the course was convenient.
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SECTION 3 : Overall Course Evaluation

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Course Duration: 0

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MissionCIT provides EMS education, Fire Service Training, Entry & Promotional Testing, and Professional Services for public safety, focusing on the Fire Service.

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