Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4114 | Fluid Resuscitation

Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4114 | Fluid Resuscitation starts with the introduction to the topic.

The chapter discusses how to effectively manage  fluid and electrolyte imbalances under medical emergency settings. The lessons delve into fluid/IV/IO therapies, Blood related procedures,  and recent advances in this field. The other aspects covered are Pre-Hospital use of mean arterial pressure and tailored approaches to fluid resuscitation.

The lessons covered are

  • Lesson 1: Fluids and Electrolytes
  • Lesson 2: Advances in Fluid Resuscitation
  • Lesson 3: Fluid Resuscitation in Specific Medical Emergencies
  • Lesson 4: Fluid Resuscitation in Trauma Cases
  • Lesson 5: Potential Complications & Special Patient Populations

Excerpt from  Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4114 | Fluid Resuscitation 

Isotonic Solutions

IV solutions are categorized by tonicity: isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic. Isotonic solutions have the same sodium concentration as cells and expand the intravascular compartment without altering cell shape. Examples include normal saline and LR. Hypotonic solutions have lower sodium concentration and can cause cells to swell. D5W is an example. Hypertonic solutions have higher sodium concentration and draw water out of cells. Examples include 3% saline, blood products, and albumin. Care must be taken to avoid fluid overloading when administering isotonic solutions.

Hypotonic Solutions

Hypotonic solutions have lower sodium concentration than cells, causing cells to swell. They hydrate cells but deplete the vascular compartment. They are used in conditions like hyperglycemia and may cause fluid shifts leading to cardiovascular collapse and increased intracranial pressure. Administering hypotonic solutions to patients with burns, trauma, or liver disease is hazardous due to potential fluid shifts. An example is 0.45% sodium chloride, rarely used prehospitally but in interfacility transports for fluid replenishment in patients with normal sodium levels.

Hypertonic Solutions

Hypertonic solutions have higher osmolarity than serum, pulling fluid into the intravascular compartment. They stabilize blood pressure, increase urine output, and reduce edema but may cause cellular collapse due to increased extracellular osmotic pressure. These solutions are rarely used prehospitally but are common in interfacility transports. Careful monitoring is necessary to prevent fluid overloading, especially in patients with heart or kidney issues. They are contraindicated in diabetic ketoacidosis or cellular dehydration. An example is 3% sodium chloride, used for severe traumatic brain injuries to reduce intracranial pressure temporarily.

Oxygen-Carrying Solutions

Whole blood is the optimal choice for blood loss replacement due to its hemoglobin content, which carries oxygen. O-negative blood may be used outside hospitals for specific incidents but is impractical prehospitally due to storage requirements. Synthetic blood substitutes, under research and field testing, offer potential benefits by expanding volume and delivering oxygen to cells, promising improved treatment for significant blood loss.

Core Concepts & Takeaways

  • Reviewed different types of fluid solutions in EMS at a paramedic level
  • Reviewed different fluid resuscitation routes with pros and cons for use in EMS at a paramedic level
  • Extensively looked at advancements in fluid resuscitation in a pre hospital setting
  • Reviewed Fluid resuscitation in the context of trauma patients in a pre hospital setting at the paramedic level
  • Reviewed Fluid resuscitation in the context of a medically ill patient and the use of vasopressors with fluid resuscitation in the pre hospital setting
  • Reviewed Fluid resuscitation in burn patients in the pre hospital setting

Important Notes:

  • If you only want to take the online course for CME credit, you can pay here.  The fee for online-only does NOT include a skills session nor (re)certification.  You will receive a certificate for one CME credit after successful completion of the course.
  • This course is part of the Paramedic  Recertification  curriculum .  If you sign up for one of those courses, you will be automatically enrolled in this course..
  • To get credit for this course, you must watch all the lessons in their entirety, the course review, and pass the quiz at the end with a score of 75% or better

Course Curriculum

Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4114 | Fluid Resuscitation

  • Lesson 0 – Introduction
  • Lesson 1 – Fluids and Electrolytes
  • Lesson 2 – Advances in Fluid Resuscitation
  • Lesson 3 – Fluid Resuscitation in Specific Medical Emergencies
  • Lesson 4 – Fluid Resuscitation in Trauma Cases
  • Lesson 5 – Potential Complications & Special Patient Populations
  • Lesson 6 – Chapter Review
  • Paramedic Recert EMS Care | 23-MCIT-F3-4114 | Fluid Resuscitation | QUIZ
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MissionCIT provides EMS education, Fire Service Training, Entry & Promotional Testing, and Professional Services for public safety, focusing on the Fire Service.

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