Zoom Session Feedback

Instructor Interaction

Thank you for participating in our EMS course. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us continuously improve the quality of our training program. Please use the following scale to evaluate each aspect of the course, where “Strongly Agree” is the highest rating and  “Strongly Disagree” and is the lowest.

SECTION 1 : Satisfaction Level

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 2 : Instructor Interaction

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 3 : Overall Course Evaluation

Course Content / Training Video Feedback

Course Feedback Form

Thank you for participating in our EMS course. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us continuously improve the quality of our training program. Please use the following scale to evaluate each aspect of the course, where “Strongly Agree” is the highest rating and  “Strongly Disagree” and is the lowest.

SECTION 1 : Satisfaction Level

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 2 : Course Content and Instruction

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 3 : Course Organization

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 4 : Overall Course Evaluation

Skill Session Feedback

In-Person Skill training

Thank you for participating in our EMS course. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us continuously improve the quality of our training program. Please use the following scale to evaluate each aspect of the course, where “Strongly Agree” is the highest rating and  “Strongly Disagree” and is the lowest.

SECTION 1 : Satisfaction Level

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 2: In-Person Skill Training

Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree

SECTION 3 : Overall Course Evaluation


About Us

MissionCIT provides EMS education, Fire Service Training, Entry & Promotional Testing, and Professional Services for public safety, focusing on the Fire Service.

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