ICS 300 | Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents

Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | ICS 300

This course is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS).

This course focuses on the management of an initial response to an incident.

Core Concepts & Takeaways

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Describe how the NIMS Command and Management component supports the management of expanding incidents
  • Describe the incident/event management process for supervisors and expanding incidents as prescribed by ICS
  • Implement the incident management process on a simulated expanding incident
  • Develop an Incident Action Plan for a simulated incident


Important Notes:

  • If you only want to take the online course for CME credit, you can pay here. The fee for online-only does NOT include a skills session nor (re)certification. You will receive a certificate for one CME credit after successful completion of the course.
  • To get credit for this course, you must watch all the lessons in their entirety, the course review, and pass the quiz at the end with a score of 75% or better.

Course Curriculum

ICS 300 PowerPoints

  • PowerPoints
Free access this course
Course Duration: 0

About Us

MissionCIT provides EMS education, Fire Service Training, Entry & Promotional Testing, and Professional Services for public safety, focusing on the Fire Service.

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